Colin Edward Egan

Colin Edward Egan is a management academic and economics advisor who researches globalization dynamics and their implications for business and society. He is the principal consultant and academic director of Nexus Knowledge, an executive development practice that designs and delivers organizational transformation programs and business education initiatives for companies and leading international business schools.

In an academic career spanning three decades, he has worked exclusively with post-experience education participants studying for MSc, MBA, DBA, and PhD qualifications. He also works as an economics and business advisor to large corporations, providing consultancy and delivering in-house executive development programs for the Strategic Business Units (SBUs) of companies, including BP, Castrol, IBM, Philips, Reed Elsevier (RELX), and YKK. Additionally, he has worked with many Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), primarily in partnership with organizations such as the Chartered Institute of Marketing and various chambers of commerce.

Between 2007 and 2015, Colin was Visiting Academic at Warwick Business School (WBS), UK, where he taught Core and Elective MBA international business and marketing courses and supervised Master’s theses. From 2008 to 2013, he was Coca-Cola Chair, Professor of Marketing and Strategic Management at IEDC – Bled School of Management, Slovenia, and before this, Professor of Strategic Management at Leicester Business School, De Montfort University, UK. He was Joint Academic Director of the IBM Marketing University between 1994-2002 and Principal Consultant, Academic Director, and Faculty Manager of the BP Sales and Marketing Academy between 2002-2008. He was nominated for the coveted BP Helios Award for his work on management development in the company. During his tenure as Visiting Academic at Warwick Business School, he received the ‘Outstanding MBA/MSc Teacher Award’ on six occasions.

In recent years, Colin has been Visiting Faculty at several leading international academic institutions, delivering Executive MBA Marketing and Global Strategic Management courses at:

      • Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Hong Kong.
      • Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, The Netherlands.
      • International University of Monaco (IUM), Monaco.
      • Danube Business School, University of Krems, Austria.
      • SKOLKOVO (Moscow School of Management), Russian Federation.

Colin is currently researching post-MBA education programs and qualifications, examining the motivations of individuals pursuing further academic and professional development, especially for formal degrees such as a Doctor in Business Administration (DBA).


Academic Experience and Expertise
Please click/tap the ‘Graduation Day!’ icon above/left to see details of Colin’s academic activities, including editorial positions and external university examination duties and responsibilities.


Please click/tap the ‘Bookshelf’ icon above/left to see details of Colin’s book publications spanning three decades of rapidly changing developments in international business environments during an era Professor Peter Drucker described as the Age of Discontinuity.


Business Sector Experience and Expertise
Please click/tap the ‘Business Communications’ icon above/left to view details of the business sectors where Colin works as an economics advisor, executive development consultant, and strategic management workshop facilitator.


International Experience and Expertise
Please click/tap the ‘All-Around-the-World’ icon above/left to see the countries where Colin has delivered executive development programmes, MBA courses, strategy workshops, masterclasses, and speaking engagements.


Nexus Knowledge
The ‘Chrysalis’ as depicted in this graphic symbolises the mission and values of Nexus Knowledge. These relate to positive transformation through personal growth and organizational development. Colin is the Principal Consultant of Nexus Knowledge, a consultancy practice he has developed over twenty years and which primarily applies his research in a business and/or university environment but also embraces a network of senior practitioners and academics for the delivery of complex and/or large-scale projects.

Areas of expertise include:

      • Business Education
      • Consultancy
      • Executive Development
      • Organizational Transformation
      • Speaking Engagements

Subject domains include:

      • Brand
      • Global Strategic Management
      • Innovation
      • International Business
      • Leadership
      • Marketing

Please click/tap the Graduate Business Education and Organizational Development & Change tabs on the Home Page of for further information and examples of a broad range of business education projects and organizational transformation engagements delivered by Nexus Knowledge in the corporate and university sectors.



LinkedIn Profile
To view Colin’s current LinkedIn profile, please click/tap the ‘LinkedIn logo’ above/left. A downloadable PDF of the profile will open in a new tab/window.


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