Author’s recommended resources for further inquiry

Author’s recommended resources for further inquiry


Recommended books and business biographies

Because of the diverse range of social science disciplines covered in The Global Business Strategy Blog, carefully screened textbooks and general management books on specific subject areas are recommended throughout its posts. Textbook selections are based upon cumulative feedback from working with University masters’ students and executives attending management development programmes. These have been recommended because they:

      1. Are up to date.
      2. Are pitched at the right intellectual level for MSc/MBA/DBA/PhD core courses and electives and/or for the inquisitive reader.
      3. Are fully referenced and indexed to guide readers towards original sources (e.g. peer-reviewed academic journals) for areas of specific interest to them.
      4. Have many illustrative examples and thought-provoking case studies to enhance readers’ learning experience.
      5. Are complementary to all the other activities (lectures, cases, simulations etc.) that are typically undertaken during taught-course sessions.
      6. Are in most cases supported by a comprehensive web resource.

New editions of these books are common (another indicator of a textbook’s quality) so please check for the latest version at, for example,, where you will also find ISBN details and ‘verified reader’ reviews.

Business biographies, meanwhile, contribute greatly to our understanding of management practice and often provide unique insights into topics such as leadership, company chronicles, economics and political economy. Throughout the book and The Global Business Strategy Album, we make reference to an eclectic selection of ‘biographies’, ranging from leadership autobiographies through corporate histories to political memoirs.


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All content © Colin Edward Egan, 2022